Want to enjoy your boat without breaking the bank? Learn how!

With the economy we live in today, it’s no surprise that prices of certain things rise and fall every second. Usually, it’s rising of the prices that’s a problem and when they do – they hit hard. Boaters are those who are often hit the hardest and the fastest.

We are giving you tips that will help you stay on the water without going broke.

  1. Used boats are okay

Even though you’ll hear people say anything used can’t be reliable enough and it turns out more expensive on the long run, this isn’t necessarily true. Thing is, for something to be rated “used” all it needs to happen is for it to be taken out from the showroom. This is when a serious devaluation hit happens and this is when you “attack”! Even better, you can wait for a couple of years for that boat to be used by someone else and then make your offer.

Obviously, you’ll be keeping four eyes wide open when making this purchase. You don’t want to be buying someone else’s problems. If you are not an expert, consult one who will give you an insight and tell you what you’re buying into.

  1. A boating club is the way to go

If you are a dedicated sailing lover, it’s only logical for you to join a boating club. In the last decade or so, boating clubs have rapidly grown in popularity and they are a great option for many people.

Being a member of a boating club allows you to make advance reservations for a boat, in multiple locations.

Prices will vary depending on the length of time you sign up for, your primary location and the type of membership you get. Still, you should plan on paying a couple hundred dollars a month, spending around $5,000. There are also some other advantages to consider.

Members get on-the-water training, classroom training, covering docking, navigation and safety. Since the club provides tow coverage in case of breakdowns, you never have to worry about maintenance. Even insurance is covered for you! How great is that!

Being a member of a boating club will not only land you so many perks related to your boat and affordable ways to get on the water but will also help turning a novice into a captain.

  1. Downsize

Boaters are famous for three-foot-itis, but hey – sometimes you need to accept you can’t have it all. Well, at least for the time being.

It’s in human nature to always yearn for more. However, when you are aware your budget is limited, you need to realize you can’t go into debt for the sakes of a fantasy or a show off.  Plus, for some reason – most boat owners are turning to smaller boats. This is especially true for those owners who used to indulge big boats for years. Smaller boats are not only less expensive, they’re also easier to tow, launch, and retrieve, they are generally easier to handle, they are definitely less costly to run, and in some cases, more fun to be on.

  1. Sharing is sweet

Sharing a boat may not just save you and the other party money but it may also be a great bonding experience. If you, say, decide you’ll be sharing  your boat with your best friend, a close relative or someone you’ve grown really fond of, this may deepen your relationship even more.

Sure, partnerships can be a little tricky. But, if you find the way to end up on the same page and have a mutual agreement on how things are going to be run, you’ll have the best time of your life!

Plus, if both of you are beginners at this, it wouldn’t harm getting a few lessons from a shipwright. If you are not familiar with the term, a shipwright is a person with extensive knowledge of every part of a boat. They combine being part craftsman, part engineer, part chemist just to ensure a vessel can withstand a life on the sea. Even though it is not common for shipwrights to give lessons, you can always hire him/her as a consultant to help you out. After all, you don’t want to spend all that money on your boat and then learn you are actually clueless!

Sailing and boat managing is a pretty cool thing to do, but it is responsible also. We hope we helped with the advice and that you’ll soon have wind in your sails!

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