The Five Greatest Personal Finance Books 21st Century

The Five Greatest Personal Finance Books 21st Century

Keeping track of your finances can be a huge burden to carry, especially if you are going through a financial struggle. Or when you do not know where to begin. In such a situation, what do you do? You learn and educate yourself. And that is where personal finance books play a crucial role. 

The 2020 TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance Index carried out a survey that showed that financial literacy in the United States is growing. However, it was improving at a slow pace. Adults involved in the study answered 52% of the questions correctly. 

The good news is that number has been increasing by about one percent each year, from 2017 to 2020. If you are like most United States citizens, you did not learn much about financial management from school or your parents. And that is why precisely searching for reliable educational resources such as personal finance books is so crucial. 

Let’s get right into the books! 

The personal finance book selections discussed below are meant to provide you with the knowledge you need to take control of your finances. Financial books can help you become a whole new person by educating yourself about money. 

An excellent personal finance book gives you valuable information on managing your savings, spending, investments, and debt. The following personal financial books have all that in one package.

1. The Wealth Choice – Dennis Kimbro

The Wealth Choice is informational and inspirational and ideal for you if you are interested in accumulating wealth. Dr. Kimbro is a writer, motivational speaker, and college professor for the Napoleon Hill Foundation. 

He used his experience and years of extensive research with captivating success stories in the book. The book’s narrative style, combined with his general life wisdom and financial savvy, makes the book worthwhile. 

Kimbro, together with his colleagues, took seven years to conduct in-depth research of 1,000 Black millionaires. Through that, they could get to the bottom of how the millionaires build their wealth. It even shows how some started from their humble beginnings and worked to attain wealth. 

The conversations with the millionaires are explained in the book, and Kimbo used that to explain how you can implement the techniques. That way, you can also achieve financial success the way the millionaires did.

  2. Investing 101 – Michele Cagan 

Investing 101 is one of the well-written books that are pretty attractive to live on your coffee table. Cagan does an excellent job explaining the basics of investing to people who have no clue what it is. 

The book contains part textbook, and the part manual does give you a deep knowledge of how various financial vehicles work. It also shows you the difference between numerous types of investments and how to create a complete portfolio for long-term growth. 

Michele Cagan provides you with extensive yet straightforward definitions of complicated financial concepts and financial vehicles. The book is a perfect book for those who want to know more about the investing world. 

3. The Total Money Makeover – Dave Ramsey 

When Dave Ramsey gets on his radio program and talks about money and finances, millions of people tune in to listen. And the listeners do so for a good reason. 

The Dave Ramsey Show is one of the successful radio programs in the United States. He has released five New York Times bestsellers, which include The Total Money Makeover. If you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this book is not one of them. His books never are. 

Instead, you get a firm foundation to save enough money to face any emergency. The book also explains to you how you can retire at ease and have no regrets. For years now, Dave has received his fair share of criticisms for his ways of handling debt, including investing and insurance. 

However, If you have, for example, massive student loans, no one does a better job of giving you the resources and mindset to get out of debt. And that is what the book gives you. 

4. Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki 

Rich Dad Poor Dad was published 20 years ago and got an updated version in 2017. It is one of the bestselling finance books in the world. 

Robert Kiyosaki walks you through childhood memories and contrasts his poor father with his friend’s rich dad. The rich dad was one of Hawaii’s wealthiest residents, and Robert uses the two dads to teach you how you can manage your money and teach them to your kids. 

Robert believes that some debts are good. According to the book, you can become rich, even if you do not have a considerable income. Over the years, Robert has been seen as a controversial figure. And some people question the authenticity of the book. 

5. The Simple Path To Wealth – JL Collins 

The principles contained in this book were initially written as letters by JL Collins to his daughter. The book has an extensive amount of accessible and actionable advice on investing, which runs through the entire finance book. 

Some chapters have light and casual tones but dive deeper into more complicated topics. This personal finance book has over 800 reviews on Amazon. If you are looking for a book that gives you everything you need to stand firm in your financial life, The Simple Path To Wealth is the right choice. 

The book holds immense wisdom and practical insights that can help those struggling in their path to wealth. If you desire to attain wealth in the near-by future, this finance book can give you a step in the right direction. 


Numerous colleges in the United States now teach personal finance, but it is not enough. The best way to acquire your financial freedom is to educate yourself. And that is what the above-listed personal finance book does. 

Use the five-listed books as a head start, and move on to other books to help you get a foothold in the financial sector. 

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