Samsung Galaxy S7 – Be Ready To Welcome It!

Be ready to welcome the most captivating handset, Galaxy S7 of the Galaxy S series. In fact Galaxy S series has won love, appreciation of all on account of its awesome performance and good looks. Every new model of this series brings a lot of surprises with it. So everyone’s eyes are searching to find it likely features.

You might be wondering of the issues which were found in Galaxy S6. Let us tell you that Samsung has realized its mistake and has promised to maintain its quality in all the future models. So this indicates that upcoming model would be awesome in every respect. Let’s find its possible features:

  • The time of launch: Everybody is aware of the fact that the new releases are made in the month of March, sometime before the Barcelona tech festival. But as per the news from a confidential source there are fair chances to see its release at the end of 2015.
  • Price: Samsung is very cautious to not the prices leak before the launch of the new models. For helping you out our experts have carried out an intensive research and have found the if Galaxy S6 has hit the market at 599 pound, the price of Galaxy S7 could be 649 pound, ifit doesn’t have curved technology.
  • Design: The Samsung GalaxyS series phones are always striking.The chances are to see this gorgeous handset in metal and glass body.
  • Body (Build): A number of enhancements are on cards in this new model. It may have a waterproof body. A better micro sd slot and wonderful battery is also expected in it. The curved technology is also possible. It could also come with USB Type C.
  • Memory: An-outstanding memory of 4 or 6 GB RAM is probable.
  • Storage: The internal storage is likely to be chosen from 32/64 GB.
  • Processor: People are blaming the defective Snapdragon 810 for the problems in Galaxy S6. Some are saying that the new model would have Samsung’s own processor. But as per the information drawn from some internal source, Galaxy S7 would have Snapdragon 820.
  • Screen: The screen is expected to be astonishing with AMOLED technology. The likely screen size is 5in.
  • Extra Specifications: Samsung always try to impress the users by adding new gadgets and gizmos to its handset. This time new addition seems to be a wonderful finger print scanner.
  • Camera: A huge camera is quite possible in this model. A16Mp sensor and remarkable optical image stabilization is expected in it.
  • Software: Android Mand amazing TouchWiz are the expected software in Galaxy S7.

We hope that the possible features of Galaxy S7 are quite clear to you. Let us tell you that it would indeed an amazing handset. So be ready to welcome it with open arms!

The information provide about your preferred models are updated regularly. For finding more you can visit us anytime.

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