Office furniture on a budget

If you want to create a family ambient in your workspace, you need to think of your office as a home you’re living in. This will keep stress free environment and make your work hours fly by. The easiest way to achieve this kind of ambient is by picking the right furniture, visually pleasant, comfortable and functional, just like the ones you have at home. Here are a few tips on how to achieve that with as little money as possible.

Plan it carefully

As everything you plan on doing in life, buying a furniture for your office, needs a nice plan. Make a list of all the things you need, and always be aware what you already have. Some of the stuff you own can be reused, but the ones you don’t need should be sold, to increase your budget. As for the new things, mind the space limitations, you don’t want to end up with bunch of things that can’t fit anywhere in the room. Before you buy anything, make sure to know where each piece of furniture is going to be placed.

Investigate the market

Don’t get carried away. When you find something you like, try to be patient, search on other places as well, maybe you’ll find the same things at different store, for a lesser price. Keep in mind that the furniture stores are not the only place where you can buy stuff, there are a few other options. For example, look for the companies that are relocating their base of operations. A lot of them are looking to get rid of the old furniture in order to lower moving costs, especially if the location they are moving to is far away from their present place. If, by any case, you choose to order furniture from a distant location, first thing that you should consider is shipping fees. They can get astronomically high and make final price unaffordable.


Although some stores provides discounts for buying a matching sets of furniture, sometimes is better to look for cheaper pieces on different locations. Try to match them up firstly by making a list of things that may pair up, to avoid being stuck with bunch of different stuff that`ll make your office look like a child’s playroom, without any sense of order. Refurnishing old furniture is also a good thing to keep in mind, but watch out for the costs of their restoration, sometimes it can cost more than just buying a new furniture.

Renting is an option

Although this is not very grateful on the long run, it could serve you well as a temporary solution, until you find something acceptable to buy. In this case it`s also pretty important to find the best offer that suits your needs. Downside of this option is that in case of any damages that furniture suffers will be yours to pay. That’s why it`s crucial to study contract renting company is providing to the smallest details.

Be a good trader

Even if you find a reasonable price for something you want to buy, be sure to haggle. Some consider this an art form when it comes to trading and it dates from distant past, so it`s in our genes. No one will get offended if you try, and, if successful, it can save you a lot of money. This especially considers situations where you buy several pieces of office furniture in one place. Be smart about it and pretend that you are interested in just one object. After that act like something else caught your eye and ask if you can get a discount for buying that one as well. Improvise.

Make your office a pleasant place to be

When it comes to buying whole furniture setup for your new office, keep in mind that employees who work there, will know the difference. Ambient is one of the things that`ll keep them motivated, so choose carefully and try to find the perfect balance between style, functionality, comfort and price. With a little effort invested, you can provide the whole collective a pleasant atmosphere that’ll keep moral of the workers up, even on Monday morning.


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