Globally Successful  Multi-Million Dollar Entrepreneur Matt Buchel  Turns Author To Share Importing Secrets!

Globally Successful Multi-Million Dollar Entrepreneur Matt Buchel Turns Author To Share Importing Secrets!

Forget owning your own home – the new dream is being your own boss and kissing the cubicle life goodbye in exchange for flexible working hours. Statistics show there’s a high failure rate of new businesses crashing and burning in their first three years, however a free e-book by successful importer Matt Buchel, ‘The Twelve Most Common Mistakes Made when Importing’ is set to combat this.

A globally recognized entrepreneur, Matt has developed and sold several multi-million dollar manufacturing and retail businesses which he created from scratch, and in 2015 launched the unique and highly successful ‘Business in a Box’ which offers an alternative to franchising.

When writing the e-book, Matt’s aim was to share his extensive knowledge – watching people take the leap and successfully run their own business with his guidance and encouragement is satisfying. He also admits to being anti-franchise, after seeing hundreds of honest, hardworking people get caught up in the fine print and end up losing out on their investment.

The 66 page book zooms in on some of the most common mistakes made in the importing business that Matt has experienced first-hand and wants to help others avoid. Subjects such as pre-selling products, automated query response, understanding the culture of where you’re importing from and how to work out if you’re dealing with middle men or not are addressed in detail.

Hard work and dedication have definitely played a huge role in Matt’s success, as well as the ability to dust himself off and keep trying when things didn’t work out. Penning the free e-book was a way to make sure others don’t have to make those same mistakes.

“I currently import more than US$1 million of products at cost from 8 countries, and have had many successes and failures before getting to this point. I’ve literally seen and done it all. Sharing my experiences with others who want to change their lives and circumstances makes it worth having gone through all of that myself,” Matt said.

Matt is running Importing Discovery Days to help more mums and dads escape the rat race and own their own business for more information visit:


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