4 Best Free Bootstrap Website Templates Available in 2019

4 Best Free Bootstrap Website Templates Available in 2019

Bootstrap is a CSS3 and HTML5 structure. It was Twitter’s advancement. Bootstrap is a toolbox that will help you in making sites and web applications that are responsive.

It has worked in CSS, JS, and HTML. Yet, you can alter it as indicated by your prerequisites.

For instance, consider header.php. This is a default temp used in themes. The header area of a web page is defined via this template, generated by Bootstrap.

On every site, there is a header file loaded. It allows simple changes to make to any single file, then it applies to the entire website.

Default Templates

Image result for Bootstrap Website Templates

For particular sections of a website, Bootstrap themes have default templates. These are with a code to generate HTML output.

  • header.php

This template displays the header section.

  • footer.php

This template displays the footer section.

  • index.php

The main template used to display the main page of websites

  • sidebar.php

It generates HTML output for the sidebar section.

  • functions.php

The codes and functions used in the theme are in this header.

  • single.php

It is to display the single post page.

  • comments.php

This template displays comments and comment form.

You can incorporate different templates into one another. For instance, single.php can have a header, footer, sidebar, etc included into it. Bootstrap enables clients to include the same number of as they might want. A few subjects will have them for custom circles and sidebars too.

Bootstrap additionally has a chain of importance. When a topic doesn’t have single.php at that point Bootstrap will fall back to a broad layout like index.php.

Each Bootstrap subject must have a style definition document named style.css. Bootstrap Templates Download allows you to choose from a lot of options.

1- Orange – One Page Bootstrap Theme

Image result for Orange – One Page Bootstrap Theme

The theme is rated number 1 on the web. This theme is quite suitable for business. It gives extraordinary looks on all sort of device screens and is 100% responsive.

The customization is easy and organized. It comes with full template packages and 12-month support from the author.

There are free future updates available. You can use it with commercial or personal projects. The payment is on-time that saves you from any hassle. Also, it has documentation included.

2- Material – Bootstrap 4 Material Design Template

Image result for Material – Bootstrap 4 Material Design Template

It is a Full-included Bootstrap 4 based Material Design Template. It comes with 100 plus UI elements. Also, premium customized plugins, pre-made pages, material icons, etc.

It preyed on cutting edge techs and Bootstrap 4. The purpose is to craft it for next-gen projects. Containing rich typography, clean material design, shortcodes, and documentation and so on.

The template is the best option for those who want to use Bootstrap 4 with UX of Material design.

3- Velonic – Bootstrap Admin Frontend Template

Image result for Velonic – Bootstrap Admin Frontend Template

This is a completely highlighted premium administrator format. Based over great Bootstrap 4.1.1, present-day web innovation HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.

It has many useful hands created segments. The topic is completely responsive and simply adjustable. As the code is simple enough to understand, it allows you to turn the temp into the actual web app.

The template includes a dashboard, offers rich typography. It has icons, modals, portlets, etc. Also superb UI, grid layout, widgets. There are tables like a basic table, data table and Morris chart, C3 chart and much more.

4- Precon – Multipurpose Business HTML5 Template

Image result for Precon – Multipurpose Business HTML5 Template

This template is a multipurpose business template. The customization is facile and is responsive to Bootstrap. For corporate, business, agency, startups or studio, it’s the best choice. The coding including CSS3 and HTML5. It comes in wide and boxed layout.

For each section, there is an HTML and CSS code that’s included in the main file. Among many of its features, you get 20 HTML5 pages. Also, 2 header styles, slide & animations, 4 color schemes, W3C markup validation, etc.


I am sure that the above article will guide you enough. It would provide you all the required data. The whole information provided is to aid you in choosing the right product.

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