Before you buy a Motorcycle Tire consider the things

Before you buy a Motorcycle Tire consider the things

Motorcycle Tire Age

Old tires can be a hazard on the highway, so it’s essential that you replace them as often as necessary. But how long should your wheels last? Is it alright to keep them past the “optimal” time limit if you haven’t ridden very much? There are a variety of factors that affect durability. Here are some things to consider before you start searching for “motorcycle tires near me.”

Do Tires Have Expiration Dates?

Tires don’t have expiration dates the way groceries do. However, they do have a Date Code that indicates when they were made. This is generally four digits stamped into the sidewalls that tells you the week number and year. For example, 2515 means a tire was made in week 25 of the year 2015.

If you have a tire made before 2000, the Date Code is structured a little differently. It’ll be only three digits, which indicate the week number and year of the decade. For example, 193 means your wheel was made in week 19 of the third year of the decade. How can you tell which decade? Unfortunately, you can’t, which is why the system was changed.

Can You Use a Tire After Its Optimal Date?

Although tires don’t have an “expiration date” per se, they do degrade over time. Oxidation wears away at the material, leading to dry rot. Motorcycle tires don’t last as long as those made for cars; typically, they’re still useable within five years of their Date Code.

However, if you have an old wheel you’ve kept in a cool place, you may be able to use it as long as it’s still in good condition. On the other hand, you may want to get rid of any tires that have a three-digit code instead of four, even if they seem sound. Twenty years is a long time, even for the best wheels.

How Long Do Tires Normally Last?

If you’re in the market for cheap motorcycle tires, chances are you’re more interested in how long they last when in use rather than sitting on a garage floor. This question get a little complicated because there’s no one right answer. There are many elements that can affect how your wheels respond to wear and tear.

What Factors Impact Tires’ Life Span?

The biggest factors that impact your tires’ longevity are the following:

  • Exposure to heat, which can compromise the rubber
  • Use, as extended use generally means faster wear
  • Terrain, as use on inappropriate terrain can cause excessive damage

What Are Some Signs You Need To Replace Your Tires?

You should regularly check your tires’ condition to make sure they’re still reliable. The following are signs you need replacements:

  • The rubber is hard
  • There are defects such as cracks
  • The tread is under 2/32 inches

Ideally, you should maintenance your wheels often enough to notice these signs before they become dangerous issues.

When it comes to tires, it’s all about how they’re used. If you need replacements, make sure you check out OEM ATV parts to ensure you’re getting the highest quality for your bike.

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