If you’re a business owner, using a professional email address instead of your personal one is an excellent idea. Click here to find out why it’s important.
You’re starting a business. You’re getting all your ducks in a row.
Now, you’ve come to the subject of email and you’re wondering: Should you use a professional email address?
The answer is a bold and resounding “YES!” Using a professional email is important for a number of reasons, which we’ll discuss in detail below.
Keep reading!
- You’ll Look More Professional
The whole point of starting a business is to make money. But if your business doesn’t come across as professional, potential customers and clients won’t trust you enough to hand over their hard-earned money.
This is one of the many reasons that a professional email address is so important.
A professional email address makes you look, well, professional. Having “@bobsflowers.com” at the end of your email address, for example, looks much more impressive than having “@gmail.com” at the end of your email address.
Those whom you correspond with will see that you, at very least, take your business seriously enough to shell out for the cost of a professional address. This will make them more apt to take you seriously in return.
- You’ll Provide an Obvious Link to Your Website
Another big benefit of using a professional email address is that you’ll be presenting those you email with an obvious link to your website. After all, if it says “bobsflowers.com” at the end of your address, the person with whom you’re speaking will be able to ascertain that it’s your website.
This is not a benefit that you’ll get with a gmail.com email address or a hotmail.com address. Sure, you could place your website URL in the email itself, but there’s less of a chance of the recipient reading it.
Having it in your email address itself ensures that it’s one of the first things that the recipient sees. Not to mention, it gives the recipient confidence that it is, indeed, a legitimate website. They won’t have to worry if it’s something that’s going to attack their computer with malware.
- You’ll Be Able to Compartmentalize Your Correspondences
When you use a generic email address, it ends up being your one and only. Every email you send out and every email you receive is facilitated through that address.
Sure, this can work, especially if you create folders in Gmail. But it’s not always the best option for businesses.
This is where professional email addresses can make a big difference. By ending each of your email addresses in your company’s website URL, you can compartmentalize your correspondences.
For instance, you could create one email address called “info@bobsflowers.com” and another called “bob@bobsflowers.com” and another called “events@bobsflowers.com”. Each of these emails could be used for its own purpose, ensuring that no one email gets overwhelmed with information.
In truth, you could create as many professional email addresses as you wish. You could even create 100 if the need is there.
- You’ll Create Easier Correspondences With Your Employees
Another reason that it’s important to make use of professional email addresses is that it will create easier correspondences with your employees. After all, if an employee receives an email from an address of the company that he or she works for, he or she will have no doubt as to its relevance.
On the other hand, if your employees are perpetually receiving emails from generic email addresses, they might start to doubt their validity. Or, because those email addresses look like all other email addresses, they could accidentally overlook them.
In short, having professional email addresses for your employees creates a much more convenient and trustworthy emailing environment. In a business setting, it reduces mistakes and makes for more thorough communication.
- You’ll Differentiate Yourself from Spammers
One of the big problems you’ll encounter when sending out emails as a business owner is that some recipients will mark your messages as spam. Why? Because they don’t know who you are and they don’t like being solicited by an unknown individual.
Now, having a professional email address isn’t going to eliminate this problem entirely. However, it will increase your chances of being taken seriously. Recipients are much more likely to open an email from a legitimate company than they are from an individual with a generic email address.
To differentiate yourself from spammers, you’re highly advised to make use of a professional email address. You’ll still be shunned by some, but your open rate will increase substantially.
- You’ll Have More Options
Another reason to use a professional email address is that you’ll have more options as to what your address actually is. You won’t be competing with others in order to get coveted address tags.
For instance, let’s say you use a Gmail email address. Odds are, bobsflowers@gmail.com has already been taken. As such, you would instead have to use something like bobsflowers2273@gmail.com.
It goes without saying that this looks unprofessional.
Now, let’s say that instead of using a Gmail email address, you use a professional email address. This would enable you to create any address that you desire, for instance, bob@bobsflowers.com or raymond@bobsflowers.com.
You won’t have to make use of numbers or underscores or backslashes. You’ll be able to stick to letters exclusively and, as a result, will have a much more aesthetically pleasing email overall.
The more aesthetically pleasing your email address, the more seriously it will be taken and the better chance you’ll have of securing positive correspondences.
A Professional Email Address Is an Absolute Necessity
If you’re starting a business, you need to have a professional email address. Not only will it lend you credibility but it will also help your business to stand out as its own entity.
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