5 Common Types of Personal Injury Accidents to Watch Out For

5 Common Types of Personal Injury Accidents to Watch Out For

It isn’t often thought about, but an accident could strike you or your family at any time. After all, a personal injury is the result of negligence or harm committed by another person. Even though it’s hard to admit our health is at the mercy of another, preparing for the worst is all you can do. The wide variety of injuries make finding a personal injury lawyer a necessity.

But what are some of the most common personal injuries you should watch out for? Here is a list of the most frequently occurring personal injury cases.

Car accidents

Traffic collisions and other car accidents are among some of the most common reasons for a personal injury case to form. But while winter has inclement weather and summer has more motorcycle riders, no season is safe from the many distracted drivers dotting the road at all hours of the day.

Should you get into a car accident at the hands of a careless driver, you’re entitled to financial compensation. When you hire an experienced personal injury attorney, like those at the Davis Kelin Law Firm, you can receive a variety of damages for your case. This can include:

  • Medical bills
  • Court expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Insurance costs
  • Automotive repair bills

Even if you have experience from automotive, diesel and collision repair academic programs under your belt, you can still seek financial compensation for the money you spent on new parts. Talk to your local personal injury attorney for a more in-depth look at your damages as the plaintiff.

Slip and fall cases

Slip and fall cases are often the result of negligence by a corporation or business, either inside or outside of the facility. It’s the job of the company to maintain a reasonably safe working and communal environment for the health of their patrons. This includes dry, clean floors, properly maintained walkways, and the proper signage when a hazard does occur.

Countless people file for slip and fall cases each year. Citizens are even able to file a case against their city should they be injured on public property. If you’re injured outside the confines of your home, you have the right to seek compensation.

Dog bites

It’s well known that dogs are the best things in the world. Unfortunately, some dogs aren’t comfortable with sudden movements, strangers, loud noises, and a slew of other triggers. Should a dog owner fail to properly control their pet, it’s on them to take the fall for the actions of their dog.

Keep in mind, however, that personal injury law becomes more difficult if the accident happens on private property. While you may be able to file a complaint against a stranger in the park, you might not have a case if you’re in the comfort of your friend’s home. It’s up to the plaintiff to prove that the owner is at fault because they knew of their dog’s aggressive tendencies.

Medical malpractice

Medical malpractice is particularly heinous. After all, you’re putting your trust in a medical professional to ensure your safety and well-being. Should a doctor or nurse assault you, give you an incorrect diagnosis, or perform an act of negligence, they can and should be held accountable for those injuries.

Of course, this is only the case if a doctor is providing otherwise competent and reasonable care. For more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to a personal injury attorney today.


Assault incorporates a wide margin of physical assault claims. This includes an attack on the street, a mugging, spousal battery, sexual misconduct, and more. Assault cases account for millions of personal injury cases each year.

No one ever thinks a personal injury could happen to them. If you’ve been the victim of an accident or crime, contact a personal injury attorney today for more information. They can help you gather the proper evidence to form a case and advise you on the available options.

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