Deciding on the Best Software for Structural Designing and Analyzing

Deciding on the Best Software for Structural Designing and Analyzing

In this day and age, it is no surprise that there is a specific software that exactly matches our needs. With all the recent technological advances, apps and programs are more available than ever before. Chances are that your company can benefit from these developments as they are widely used in all sorts of industries.

For example, if you work in civil engineering, you can make great use of these programs as they ensure the quality and safety of the structure, in addition to speeding up the construction. So, in case you are looking for some software for analyzing and designing structures that stands out from the crowd, take a look at the following list.

MS Excel

You are probably already familiar with Excel and all its uses. However, maybe you were not aware of the application it has in civil engineering. Excel gives you the opportunity to make tables, charts and graphs, which makes it ideal for comparing, calculating and analyzing various data.

Seeing as how it is widely used, you should have no problems acquiring it and getting accustomed to it if you are not an expert already. It remains relevant in the market thanks to its functionality and practicality.

MX Road

This software is a great solution for companies that mainly deal with road design, as it was created specifically for this purpose. Designing a functional road is not at all easy, seeing as how there are many factors to be taken into consideration. This is a complicated process that can be made easier by employing the right program.

MX Road gives civil engineers, designers and surveyors access to 3D modeling, engineering and analysis of constructions. 3D modeling can put things into perspective when designing roadways. Analysis is a standard part of the software, and it even offers regression analysis.


Autodesk’s AutoCAD is probably the most popular software when it comes to civil engineering. In addition to 2D and 3D designs, drafting, architectural drawing and modeling workflows, it can also be used for documenting projects.

It is known for being quite innovative and user-friendly, especially for beginners. It is easy to use, which makes your job much more straightforward. AutoCAD’s interface works on a variety of devices, including mobile, desktop and cloud. You can visit online stores such as CAD Group to find the version that suits your company the most.


Thanks to its contribution to infrastructure projects, REVIT is considered to be one of the biggest breakthroughs of the 21st century. It is a great option for companies looking to deal with BIM in a better way.

The greatest advantage of this software is that it provides you with an immediate analysis of the project, in addition to automatically documenting every change and updating the design. This can save you a lot of time and effort.


Another structural analysis and design software that is widely used is STAAD.Pro. It can be used for designing and analyzing all kinds of projects, from bridges and tunnels to buildings and plants. This program lets you try out different materials, such as steel, concrete and timber, in order to see how everything would fit together.

It can recreate the real-life environment where your structure will be in a realistic way. Moreover, it can analyze time-dependent effects, such as creep and shrinkage of concrete, for instance. STAAD.Pro can be integrated with other software made by the same company, Bentley.

These programs are quite user-friendly and will definitely help boost productivity in your company. With the help of the right software, the modeling and analyzing process will be more effective and seamless, which will put your business ahead of the competition. Consider your needs and budget, do your homework and you will find the best software in no time.

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